Pumpkin Pie Soup

Thanksgiving is the day when we all get together with our loveliest loved ones around a large table to give thanks and praise for pie.  That’s right, pie.  That’s what it’s all about.  The turkey and dressing, cranberry what-nots, and mashed potatoes and yammies are there for one reason and one reason only – to … Continue reading

Phở Gà

Phở Gà is not only the traditional Vietnamese chicken noodle soup and the cure for just about everything, it is also the entrée that my wife and I shared on our very first date.  It’s pretty tough to eat this soup like a lady or gentleman.  It’s very hands-on and chasing around and slurping up … Continue reading

Mood Soup

The weather is getting cold up in these not hills.  It’s now officially soup season.  I never much liked soup when I was a wee boy, always chasing salad as my dinner accompaniment.  While foraging through mounds of iceberg and gobs of whatever creamy dressing was freshly squeezed from the depths of the Hidden Valley, … Continue reading