Thai-Style Yellow Curry with Shrimp, Soba Noodles, and Klamath Pearl Potatoes

It took me a long time to get into curry dishes.  I am not the biggest fan of Indian food and curry instantly made me think of dull yellow cauliflower, fire-breathing, and eating with your hands (and making sure you are eating with the correct one!).  I know that Indian food is probably very good … Continue reading

Shrimp and Corn Chowder with Roasted Red Peppers

Sometimes some warm soup’s all you need to get over the Winter blahs.  This Winter has been pretty uneventful so far weather-wise, but that’s no reason not to heat it up a bit more with some silky chowdah.  This soup is really delicious and has a wonderful flavor, texture, and color.  I suppose you could purée everything together … Continue reading

Laksa (Thai Green Curry Soup)

It’s really cold here…really cold.  Eskimo’s kiss cold, scorned-wife stare cold, welldigger’s ass cold, witches nipple cold…cold.  There have been a lot of soup posts here, and why not?  I’m cold dammit!  I need some hot soup! I love Thai food.  I have even contemplated getting a part-time job at my favorite local Thai restaurant, salary-free, … Continue reading