Peking Duck

Peking Duck has about a thousand different recipes and techniques, but one thing is always certain.  At any Chinese restaurant, the Peking Duck requires a 24-hour notice.  Really?  A whole day?  What could those people possibly be doing back there for 24 hours?  Is there some funky religious ritual going on?  Are they swimming around … Continue reading

Soul Food

I’m no soul man.  Not a funk soul brother.  Never been on soul train, don’t listen to soul music, and never been to Seoul.  I never had a soul sister, read Chicken Soup for the Soul, seen De La Soul, or driven a Kia Soul.  I have, however, eaten some damn good, down home, Southern … Continue reading

Coq au Vin

There, now that I have your attention.  Cock in Wine is the English translation of one of the most classic French dishes in history, Coq au Vin. Not just a lewd food by name, this dish is salacious, fowl at its most fragrant, squab at its most scrumptious, rooster at its most rustic.  Romantic, really. … Continue reading