Sherried Pork Chops with Dijon Applesauce

You see, kid…what we got here is some pork chops, ya see.  Porkchopsh and appleshaush, m’yeah.  I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.  These things just go together.  And now that I’ve either dated myself and/or publicly exhibited my fondness for Nick-at-Nite reruns, I should probably get down with one of my favorite … Continue reading

Chicken and Portobello with Tarragon-Mustard Cream Sauce

“Helloooooooo gorgeous!”  I haven’t heard that since my wife got accosted by a handlebar mustache/mullet in a pharmacy/liquor store in southern West Virginia.  She was down the isle from me when this good ol’ boy walked by her.  He did not seem to “meanin’ no harm,” so I decided to let it play out.  Seeing as though this … Continue reading

Southern Barbecue

Ok.  I think you can finally have the secret.  My southern barbecue sauce is un-freakin-b-freakin-leavable…freakin.  Yes..all of those things.  Just don’t look directly at it or you might just drool all over yourself and ruin that marginally nice shirt that you have on.  This sauce would work with chicken or pork, but I prefer a … Continue reading