Chicken and Portobello with Tarragon-Mustard Cream Sauce

“Helloooooooo gorgeous!”  I haven’t heard that since my wife got accosted by a handlebar mustache/mullet in a pharmacy/liquor store in southern West Virginia.  She was down the isle from me when this good ol’ boy walked by her.  He did not seem to “meanin’ no harm,” so I decided to let it play out.  Seeing as though this … Continue reading

Chicken Wellington with Shiitake Duxelle and Sauce Suprême – Wedding Dinner (Revisited) Part 3

I absolutely love puff pastry. It’s so fun to work with and a gazillion times easier than phyllo dough, which will shatter to pieces if you look at it the wrong way. This was one of the entrées from our wedding dinner. My wife doesn’t eat anything with four legs (apparently wings don’t count as … Continue reading

Chicken Provençal

Chicken Provençal is a classic French dish originating in Provence, the Southeastern region of France nestled between Italy and the Mediterranean.  You may remember this region from the popular herbes de provence spice blend common to many spice racks and that it houses the world-famous Monte Carlo Casino.  This dish is clearly influenced by the … Continue reading

Phở Gà

Phở Gà is not only the traditional Vietnamese chicken noodle soup and the cure for just about everything, it is also the entrée that my wife and I shared on our very first date.  It’s pretty tough to eat this soup like a lady or gentleman.  It’s very hands-on and chasing around and slurping up … Continue reading

Thainese Food

I make stir fry dishes a lot.  It is a simple way to use up many of your leftover ingredients into a filling and healthy meal.  You have the versatility to throw the kitchen sink at it.  Left over veggies, meats, fresh herbs, and mushrooms of all kinds would work well with this dish.  It’s … Continue reading

Southern Barbecue

Ok.  I think you can finally have the secret.  My southern barbecue sauce is un-freakin-b-freakin-leavable…freakin.  Yes..all of those things.  Just don’t look directly at it or you might just drool all over yourself and ruin that marginally nice shirt that you have on.  This sauce would work with chicken or pork, but I prefer a … Continue reading