Eggplant Lasagna

Lasagna is just about everyone’s favorite, but with the low carb and low fat diets out there, it pretty much has become a staple of the past.  Homemade delicacies have been replaced with freezers full of lean cuisines and “smart” ones, flavorless and full of chemicals, but somehow good for you.  Yeah, I don’t get it either.  … Continue reading

Insalata Caprese

Quick, simple, healthy, light, fresh, aromatic, all-around Summer debauchery!  I present to you, The Caprese Salad.  Caprese doesn’t have any fancy translation.  It’s simply a salad made in the style of Capri, a gorgeous island in Southern Italy on the South side of the Gulf of Naples.  I would have visited this luxurious destination last … Continue reading