Pan-Seared Wild Salmon with Wasabi Aïoli

Mayonnaise is a staple in the American refrigerator.  Whether it’s Hellman’s, Kraft, or Miracle Whip, over 90% of Americans have mayo in their fridge right now.  Other than ketchup, it’s the most used condiment in the country.  It’s even more popular in Europe, where culinary experts have taken it to the next level. The funny … Continue reading

Beef Bulgogi

Finally, a not-chicken recipe.  It seems like I’ve been eating chicken for the past month.  To tell you the truth, I haven’t minded much.  The chicken that I have been getting has been spectacular.  Using free-range, local poultry with no growth hormones has really increased the flavor.  Instead of getting 7 and 8 pound chickens … Continue reading