Stuffed Acorn Squash

Winter is just about upon us.  The greens are wilting, the apples are falling from the trees, and the last of the jack o’lanterns has had his face eaten off by squirrels.  Whatever has not been consumed will likely be frozen, canned, composted, or chucked in the neighbor’s lawn.  The locavore season is officially over … Continue reading

Getting Baked – Whole Wheat Carrot, Apple, and Zucchini Bread

I am frequently baffled about the price of organic artisan breads.  It’s pretty silly considering how cheap the ingredients are that go into them and how easy they are to prepare.  Good bread is all about a good recipe.  Measure the basics right (flour, baking soda/powder) and get your fat ratio right and you are pretty much good to go … Continue reading

Caramel Apple Tart with Granola

If you are a longtime reader of Lewd Food, you probably already know that I love to buy way too much of one ingredient.  I don’t know if my food hoarding tendency spawns from wanting to get a lot of something when it’s in season, my paranoid need for a postapocalyptic food vault, lust for a good deal, or … Continue reading

Sherried Pork Chops with Dijon Applesauce

You see, kid…what we got here is some pork chops, ya see.  Porkchopsh and appleshaush, m’yeah.  I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.  These things just go together.  And now that I’ve either dated myself and/or publicly exhibited my fondness for Nick-at-Nite reruns, I should probably get down with one of my favorite … Continue reading