About Nude Food

I have recently become more aware of the nation’s food crisis. The crisis is not that we don’t have enough food, the crisis is that much of what we eat is not food at all. The shift to mass-commercial, government-subsidized farming over the last 50 or so years has had a dramatic effect on our bodies, our culture, and our planet. When we were growing up, we enjoyed eating poultry, strawberries, tomatoes, and peanuts, standard All-American foods that were available at the supermarket. These foods were safe, inspected by the FDA, and harmless nutrition for our families and friends. Depending how old you are, that may not be so. You were and are likely eating a lot of potassium bromate, sodium nitrate, aspartame, sulfites, sodium nitrate, BHA, and bGH.

We are now, and have been for some time, finding out that we were actually eating an assortment of sometimes government-subsidized chemicals, components, and concoctions. Many of these were created for no other reason than to make executives and investors rich no matter the cost. Create more, bigger and faster, with no concern for quality, sustainability, or human or animal rights. The by-products of these chemicals are in many ways still unknown.

What we do know is that the average piece of fruit is covered in chemicals, picked prematurely, ripened in a gas-filled truck, and shipped an average of 1,500 miles before it gets to you. Livestock is mistreated, living in filth and excrement, and sometimes fed remains and defecation from other animals. We export poor quality corn to Mexico, a place where it is grown with variety and high quality, only to import poor quality apples, which are grown here with variety and high quality, from China. We have a surplus of food in this country and starving people on the streets. We have a youth that cannot differentiate between a radish, a tomato, and a potato. North American farmers are bullied by large corporations to plant genetically-altered seeds, spray foreign (possibly harmful) chemicals over crops, and work long hours in dangerous conditions only to create a product that they cannot and would not even feed to their own families. We are pumping drugs into our bodies to fight the negative effects brought on by our mistreatment of food and agriculture…rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat…

Just as our food has over the past 50 years, Lewd Food is beginning to mutate. To not divulge too far from the normal tongue-in-cheek recipes and kitchen and culture play-by-play that you all have come to know and love over the years, I have decided to launch a new Lewd Food category, called Nude Food.

Nude food is just that, food without its skivvies…

…food stripped down to its pure state. No genetic reconstruction, pesticides or herbicides, growth hormones, poisons, potions, or bureaucratic bullshit. Just good wholesome sustenance with higher flavor, quality, and nutritional value than you could have ever imagined.

My personal goal is to move my family to a locally grown, sustainable, and organic diet whenever possible. I will set out to locate local farmers markets for all of my produce and livestock needs. Living in Cleveland, one of the coldest and snowiest cities in the nation, I understand that this will be a challenge, especially in the Winter. I will not be able to find much seafood or exotic fruits and vegetables here either. But, for what and when I can, I will.

Disclaimer: I am NOT a crunchy picketing hippie or a radical bleeding heart liberal and I am not, at least at this time, going to preach about veganism, vegetarianism, or denouncing the use of all commercially-grown products. I am also not going to preach about political parties or religious views. This is about the food.

Though I am not against these beliefs and values, I am also not a hypocrite. I will still eat hamburgers and hot dogs, drink Coke on occasion, and maybe hit up a disgusting fast food restaurant from time to time. The problems will not go away by a few of the people completely shifting over to all-lorganic (local/organic). Preachy radicals and over-the-top demonstrations are what give this philosophy an unapproachable, smug reputation.

The problem will, however, be fixed if the majority of us at least partially move to lorganic, especially during the seasons when our locale demands it.

These entries will show you why lorganic is better in every single way and show you ways to get there.

2 Responses to “About Nude Food”
  1. Diane Felton says:

    Hello! Thank you for this blog. I share your interests and beliefs in organic food. I love this guy, John, from growingyourgreens.com who travels and documents organic farms all over the country. The link here is for a youtube video about this farm in Cleveland that features aquaponics in it’s greenhouses and heats some of it’s spaces with composting wood chips. You may know of this place already:


    • Shawn Kocher says:

      Thanks for reading and sharing the link. I have seen John’s videos before and love them. He convinced me to buy an Omega 8006 juicer with his comprehensive reviews. I didn’t know that he was into gardening as well. I actually built a 21′ x 10′ PVC hoop house in the Spring. I just have a plastic netting shield so that bees can get through but birds cannot. I’m hoping to get some plastic sheeting and turn it into a greenhouse in the Fall. Aquaponics are really fascinating. I would love to get into that someday. I’m really proud that permaculture has become so popular in the area. Thanks again for sharing. I could watch these videos all day.

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