Food Violence

This is a dark week in American history, and likely one of the saddest.  We watched one of our own young adults enter an elementary school, a place of growth, nurturing, and safety, and lose his mind, his body, and his soul.  It’s mind-boggling to think about what would cause a person to become so … Continue reading

Pink Slime, Meat Glue, and Frankenchicken

One of the most blatant ironies of the American food system is how much good food we waste while how much waste food we reprocess into “good.” When I was a kid, the “clean plate club” was one of the most prestigious after-school honors that you could attain.  That recognition, along with the prevailing guilt … Continue reading

Fracked up!

What’s that smell?  It wasn’t me, I assure you. I think it might just be your water.   by  Marcellus Protest  So, apparently America’s next great energy resource has been beneath us all along.  Instead of sending bombs overseas and blowing up other countries for their oil, we should have been sending explosive charges into our own … Continue reading

Chicken Vegetables

I read several articles on this proposal about a month ago and it has been haunting me ever since.  It takes a lot to shock me.  I can typically let a lot of things slide.  I’ve seen the horrors that people have done to make food stretch longer, taste “better,” and last on store shelves … Continue reading

Vote with your Dollars

It’s 2012…another election year.  That means another year of broken politics, mudslinging, and watching blithering rich people act like they know the best way to spend OUR money.  All the while, they are blowing their own embezzlement funds traveling from town to town and speaking in front of people that they have already convinced to … Continue reading

How to create jobs by eating differently

Creating jobs has become a popular political debate in recent months.  It’s no secret that more people working means more people buying, more tax money collected, and a stronger economy.  The first step to fixing the problem is to define the problem.  Lack of jobs is not a problem, but a bad economy is.  Creating jobs is the solution … Continue reading

Compostest with the Mostest

I am frequently baffled and appalled by how much junk I drag out to the curb each week.  I recycle everything imaginable, bring my own bags to every store, and do my best to find second homes for my belongings through hand-me-downs and donations.  After a while of thinking, I decided to actually look at … Continue reading

Be the preservative…

Preservatives are pretty much commonplace in modern-day American food.  They are apparently needed to keep the invisible baddies from getting to our goods.  Just as the FDA has approved gases, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and genetic modifications to assist in the food production process, they also approved mixing hundreds of unpronounceable additives to our food specifically … Continue reading

Community Supported Agriculture

Community supported agriculture is pretty much the most lorganic you can get.  A CSA is a contractual relationship between a local farmer and a lewd foodie to share in the farmer’s annual bounty.  CSAs typically run for 22-25 weeks and cost between $500-$700 for a full share (family of 4) and $250-$400 for a half share (family … Continue reading

Nude Food

I have recently become more aware of the nation’s food crisis.  The crisis is not that we don’t have enough food, the crisis is that much of what we eat is not food at all.  The shift to mass-commercial, government-subsidized farming over the last 50 or so years has had a dramatic effect on our bodies, … Continue reading